
Monday, June 7, 2010

Zoya Exchange

My polishes from the Zoya exchange arrived today. I didn't get a shipping notice, so it was a nice surprise when the admin brought the box to my office. I just *had* to take them out and make sure they were all there, and then they looked so pretty lined up on my desk that I couldn't resist snapping a couple of pics to share. (I don't have a lightbox at work, so these may look a little off compared to my usual photos.)


Left to right: Perrie, Demi, Jacy, Venus, Rea, Hope.

As many purple Zoyas as I already have, I didn't have any of these. I'll be interested to swatch and see how similar these are to other purples in my collection. I know Demi and Jacy look almost like dupes themselves, but Jacy is an eensy bit darker and has a shimmer, so yes, I think I do need them both.


Left to right: Charla, Ivanka, Mimi, Ki, Kotori.

All of these are new to me except Ki, which I do have and like very much, so this bottle will either get swapped or given away so someone else can enjoy its purpley green duochrome goodness.

I am trying to resist the temptation to do another exchange before the 2010 program ends on June 30th, but there are a few more Zoyas I've seen that I'd really like to have, and this is truly a one-in-one-out proposition so my stash won't be getting any bigger, so I'm thinking I might just do it.


  1. I'd love to see swatches of these. I was considering Venus and Perrie. I think I'll probably end up getting them later on though.

  2. Wow Karen, I have been trying to avoid doing the exchange but this haul has got me thinking!

  3. They are gorgeous! It's a pity that the Zoya exchange isn't open internationally :(

  4. Nice haul, I so have to get Ki and Kotori in my next exchange :)

  5. oooh- I love zoyas even though i only have 2- too bad the exchange isn't internationally- oh well, a girl can dream :P

  6. Yep, I did 3 exchanges so far and still considering a 4th!

  7. Ki it's the first in my list to buy! Soon as possible! LOL

    The purples ones are beautiful !!


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