
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Ultra Violet vs. Galaxy Girl

A couple months ago, Katt asked if Estee Lauder Ultra Violet was similar to Orly Galaxy Girl. I meant to answer that question long before now; I hope late really is better than never in this case. When I was looking for Galaxy Girl, I found Out of This World and decided to include it in the comparison, too.

Left to right: Galaxy Girl, Ultra Violet, Out of This World.

Top to bottom: Ultra Violet, Galaxy Girl, Ultra Violet, Out of This World.

Top to bottom: Galaxy Girl, Ultra Violet, Out of This World.

I used two coats of all of these (no top coat). Galaxy Girl definitely has a very similar base color to Ultra Violet. The difference is in the shimmer; Ultra Violet has a bright purple shimmer that pops against the base color while Galaxy Girl has a blue/purple duochrome shimmer that covers up more of the base color. Galaxy Girl's bright purple side comes out in the sun, so that's when it would be closest in appearance to Ultra Violet. Out of this World is Ultra Violet's blue-toned cousin; both have a deep purple base with brighter purple shimmer but the Orly is on the blue side of purple and the Estee Lauder is on the red side.


  1. Wow! AT first looks like dupes but it doesn't. Great comparison!

  2. Great post. GG is my favourite of the 3. ot that I have ANY. Ha!

  3. Great comparison! I think Galaxy Girl is the winner for me.

  4. I love them all! I really like Galaxy Girl, such a pretty colour :)

  5. I love Ultra Violet its such a gorgeous color! I don't think I could pull off Galaxy Girl so I passed on it...

  6. all different and all very cool colors. I always love your comparisons.

  7. Great comparison! Those are all really similar until you see them on the nail. I'll have to find that Galaxy Girl, it looks really pretty!

  8. Ultra violet and galaxy girl are my favourite :)


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