
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Grey Gradient Seasoned with Pepper

Sponging has been on my list of things to try for a long while now, as has playing with the black glitter polish that mrsrexy kindly sent me in a swap because she knows I'm working on my black glitter avoidance issues. When a friend of mine did a mani that combined sponging and black glitter, that inspired me to finally give both things a go. (I would link to her version, but if she has a blog, she's hiding from me.)

For this, I used two coats of Orly Mirror Mirror as my base color, then used a makeup wedge sponge to add Rescue Beauty Lounge Stormy and Studio M Slated, then finally added two coats of Nubar Black Polka Dot. I should have added top coat, too, but I was too excited to get to the picture taking stage to stop for that.

I see there's room for improvement in my sponging, though for a first try I think it's pretty good, if I do say so myself. I want to work on getting a smoother transition between the shades next time.

As for the black glitter, I like it in this mani. I'm not ready to start sprinkling it on everything, but I can see a place for it in my stash.

Do you have any sponging tips for me for next time? Where do you fall on the black glitter issue?


  1. I absolutely LOVE this! I have never even heard of sponging, but I think this looks fabulous, especially for your first try. I think black glitter can be appropriate in certain situations, and you certainly used it well here. I did black glitter over orange polish for halloween once (didnt want to go too crazy). GREAT JOB on this mani!

  2. It looks stunning! Good job on your first try! ;) I love that you added the glitter, it makes it look beautiful :)

  3. Wow. This is so cool. Love the gradient effect and the dots.

  4. I love the title, "seasoned with pepper"! This looks awesome! I love the gradient.

  5. WHOA! I love it! I am the worst sponger in the world so I can't help you there but I love this mani. I can not wait to try this when I get Black Polka Dots.

  6. This is quite nice...I've not see a black glitter polish so yeah, kinda cool!

  7. Awesome mani!

    I have no helpful hints on sponging...I've only done it once and it was pretty much a fail...and my gradients aren't much better.

  8. I love all things glitter and I NEED a black glitter in my life! Looks great!

  9. I love gradients:) Black glitter is kind of weird, but it's nice to have as something different every so often.

  10. i like the color combo. black polka dots look so good over the grey!

  11. For a smoother gradient, try a cheap-o kitchen sponge (think dollar store) or else a TORN makeup sponge; you need a more ragged spongey edge than just a normal makeup sponge, as I learned after lots of practice. Good luck, and I still LOVE this mani!

  12. I love the black glitter! I think I need one too!

  13. So pretty! I love the name of your post! haha

  14. This is a great first try! The glitter is a great touch, and all of these colors work so well together!

  15. Such a pretty mani!!!! I love it and Black Polka Dots is so pretty:)

  16. I love the gradiant but the glitters less )=

  17. Saw the title of this and thought you would use this opportunity to make a dig at me making fun of your aversion to black glitter. Glad you refrained!! HAHA! I am loving your gradient-just love greys and this is really great. Have yet to try it for myself though. I actually have been eyeing Nubar's white polka dot glitter-I know right? What the heck is going on here! It's on my wishlist but have yet to buy it for myself! I applaud you for getting past your fears and proudly wearing pepper on your nails!!!

  18. I think it a great look! Love the black glitter!

  19. Sorry no sponging tips, my experiments with sponge have been epic fails so far! I think you did pretty well, being your first try, anyway!
    I really like the black glitter, I can imagine it on many base colors (so I should buy myself a bottle)!

  20. The black glitter totally brings this mani together! Very pretty.

  21. That looks really cool!

  22. love your mani, and i WANT this nubar so, it goes straight on the top of my wish list *.*

  23. This is so beautiful, I really like it *.*
    I don't usually polish my nails to match my outfits but when i need some combo that will fit it I choose black&white or grey combo. It always looks so classy..
    Great job, I'll definitely try this on once :)

  24. This looks awesome!!! I cant wait to get that Nubar! I ordered it!

  25. i like it and think you did a great sponging job.

  26. great mani, looks great for your first attempt at sponging .. Love the black glitter too! As far as sponging what I like to do to get a better blend of the colors is: after I do them individually if I see they didn't blend too well, I put colors on the sponge at the same time then sponge over what I had before, it blends better :) I hope I made sense :-P & This can work with any type of sponge.. make up or kitchen sponge, but it works better if you have something with texture :)


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