
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Handmade Duochrome Topcoats

Back the normal color scheme today, with fingers crossed that my image host doesn't have any more hiccups. I have something special to share: three topcoats that my friend Diva hand mixed using pigments and magic.

I didn't want to use these up too fast, so for swatching purposes I did skittles. I don't remember which bottle was which, but I did write down the colors when I put them on my nails (over Wet 'n' Wild Black Creme); top to bottom it's Red to Green, Gold to Green, Blue to Green, and Red to Green again.

Look what happens when I tilt my hand just a bit—do you see the green peeking out from the orange-red on my index finger? The hints of gold showing up in the green on my middle? The rich blue on my ring finger?

Outside in the winter sun, the sparkles in these flare up like whoa!

Here I managed to capture the green side and the orange-red side of the polish at the same time (top and bottom nails below):

Then I went back inside and aimed the flash at my fingers and that got the gold in the green/gold to pop out (middle finger below):

I spent the rest of the time I wore these wandering around my house and wiggling my fingers around; here they are in the sun coming through my bedroom window.

These are great fun, and I'm curious to try to them over other colors. As always, it's a matter of finding the time. Too bad swatching isn't a real job that someone will pay me to do.


UPDATE 05-June-2012: These are now being sold on my friend's Etsy shop, Lilacquer Polishes. Look for Lycanthrope, Kitsune, and Selkie; they may be out of stock temporarily but so far they've always come back in.


  1. Lovely, amazing colors, I´m jealous now

  2. They are all amazing! Your friend did a better job than many brands!

  3. Do you know of they're made with tkb pigments?
    I heard about them and I am so interested if they are like this!!

  4. wooww! these are so amazing! I luv 'em all. :)

  5. Amazing! I would be walking around the house checking them out too!

  6. omg, these looks fantastic, love it :-D

  7. LOL....I wish swatching was a full time job too.

    These are beautiful and so complex!

  8. I want to find the pigments to make these! I'm loving that green one!

  9. UMMMMM Can I have these please!!! Or can you ask her to make me some??? I seriously at least want that blue one-but see if she will mix these for me!!!-Or send her my email

  10. Wearing duochromes as skittles is actually a neat idea-- but way too distracting with all that magic! Looks awesome!

  11. These are amazing!!! I love them!
    Swatching is hard work. We should get paid, lol!

  12. If only we could get paid, that would make an enjoyable hobby something to look forward to even more! Diva sure is one talented polish magician. ;)

  13. Gorgeous!! I so wish someone would paid me to swatch :-P

  14. Holy jeezum! Those are fantastic!

  15. OMG!!! These are all fabulous! You are so lucky to have such a talented and lovely friend ^_^

  16. Those are amazing!!! I love how colorful and different they are.

  17. These are all sooo pretty! I wish we could get paid for swatching and blogging :-P & I can picture you walking aroung wiggling your fingers lol I do that in the car

  18. Wow these are amazing!! I especially love the blue to green one :)

  19. These are gorgeous. I saw these pigments for sale in December I think, but I didn't buy any - now I kind of regret LOL

  20. Very pretty! The blue one is my favorite. : )

  21. Absolutely gorgeous. I look the effect these have. Well done!

  22. Gorgeous! The blue one is lovely!

  23. Beautiful. Love the effect they give to the nail polish.

  24. Nice! I love them!

  25. These are amazing! I love the way they look!

  26. I have these too, they're amazing aren't they, and yes your are right, you can't stop looking at them x

  27. These are GORGEOUS!

  28. These are awesome! If only we could all get paid for swatching nail poish! :)

  29. Thanks, everyone! Diva did a great job with these, I agree.

    rock-or-not, I'm not sure where the pigments came from, sorry.

    Fingers, the minute I hear she's decided to make more, I will spread the word.


Thank you for reading and commenting! I greatly appreciate knowing I'm not just talking to myself here. :) I'm moderating most comments now due to the spate of spammers who claim to be looking for sexy times.