
Friday, January 6, 2012

Mysterious Milani Glitters

I'm working on a display post, which I hope to get up on Monday, but here's something else I've seen recently:

Those are some new-to-me Milani One Coat and Jewel FX glitters I found at a Meijer store a couple days ago, not in a display on an endcap but stuffed into random slots in the core display. I've never heard of any of these. Left to right: Twinkle, Pink Flare, Hot Pink, Lavender. Twinkle is bright blue and bright purple. Pink Flare reminds me of OPI Teenage Dream but with much smaller holo hexes. Hot Pink is fuchsia and silver holo hexes. Lavender is lilac hexes with small purple glitters.

Today I went to a different Meijer and didn't find any of the first four glitters but did find a Jewel FX called Fuchsia. Here it is under my desk lamp at work:

Where did these come from? How many more are there? I wish I knew.


Addendum, 09-Jan-2012: thanks ABOP/laquerlove, the lovely lady from Another Bottle of Polish?!, I now know more about these glitters. Here's a photo she snapped in her Sears store (used with her permission):

Evidently what we're looking at are expansions of the Jewel FX and One Coat Glitter lines. The new Jewel FX colors are Fuchsia, Lavender, Teal (need it), Hot Pink, and Red (also need it). Not sure of the names of the One Coat Glitters, but it looks like a wine, a teal, Twinkle (the blue), a lilac, and Pink Flare. I am hoping these all show up at Meijer soon, which I think they might since they are clearancing some of the non-glitter ones.


  1. I don't know anything about them, but they look awesome! ;D

  2. oh dear...twinkle shall be mine! and if those hex ones are TRULY one coat...hats off to milani!

  3. I've never seen these before but they look awesome! I'll have to check out my Target to see if they added them yet. Thanks for sharing!

  4. The first polish seems amazing! I hope that Milani will be available in some european on line shops in the future, I'm really interested in this brand.

  5. Those look great! Thanks for sharing. :D

  6. I've never heard about these. Hmmmm....thanks for the heads up!

  7. The only new display I saw (on Steph's Closet) is this but the 3 One-coat glitters there are old. There must be a few more displays for the colours you found

  8. I haven't stayed up on Milani's new stuff. However, these are really great colors.

  9. Oh wow, definitely interested in these! I haven't seen them anywhere around here, hopefully soon - I'd like to have more information on them.

  10. You guys get all the extra good stuff! Arizona gets stuff late and then it's a subset of what you show us is in Detroit. Oh, thank you for showing us what you find in the stores, I like seeing it.

  11. These look AWESOME!!!!!

  12. great find!!! i hope they pop up in my area.

  13. I love Milani polishes! I was hoping Cherry Culture would have these, but I just checked and they're not listed:( I'm going to have to get my butt across the border and do some shopping! Thanks for posting about these!

  14. Never seen these...they should be around my area in about a year...can you believe I'm just starting to see Gems in Canada...its been out how long now?

  15. These are gorgeous! I especially like the lavender one. So pretty!

  16. Drool!!!! Yay for 1 coat glitters! I've never heard of these before either, they look amazing :-)

  17. These look amazing! I wish we had Milani over here too :(

  18. I love the colors! I haven't even looked for them!

  19. These are beautiful. I never saw this ones before.

  20. what a mystery, ive never seen or heard of these, regardless they look awesome and i feel i must have them lol.

  21. Cool polishes! I love Milani polishes.

    Can't wait to see them on your nails!

  22. Oh wow, they look so pretty! I hope they're being added to the core collection!

  23. I'm sure I'll be up all night pondering this question for you!

  24. Hi. I am passing the Versatile Blogger Award on to you, the rules are on my page. But if you already have it, let it be just the way to say that I like your blog very much :).

  25. Maybe it's a Valentine's-type collection? The pink/purple theme of the colors suggests that to me. Perhaps some non-polish-savvy Meijer employee just wanted them out of the stockroom and stuffed them in the permanent slots.

  26. Oh, thanks for the info. It looks like they have bigger glitter pieces in there! Looks great!

  27. um, what!!!
    i want these!
    i can't understand why milani does no press for new releases and doesn't even have these on their site...
    thanks karen, i'll have to start hunting :)

  28. Oh wow new Milanis! About time. haha I haven't seen anything new from them in the longest.


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