
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

NerdLacquer Crunchy Frog

Looking at the swatches in my backlog to decide what to post for today, I saw a lot of my favorite thing, glitter, so decided since I'd already started with the Milani yesterday, this will be glitter week. Those of you of a creme and shimmer persuasion may want to take a break until next week.

I don't remember where I first heard aboug NerdLacquer. I do know that what turned me into a customer was finding out that she'd created a trio of custom-blended polishes inspired by Monty Python. I watched that show with my mom when I was an impressionable youth and later with my husband—we still quote lines from the show to each other from time to time. I just couldn't resist getting polishes with names like the one I have to share today, Crunchy Frog.

The NerdLacquer stores describes this as a "...revoltingly gorgeous milk chocolate shimmer base with emerald glitter, small and medium grass green hexagonal glitter, olive microglitter, and you might also notice some large chunks of silvery white. The bones, obviously. If we took the bones out it wouldn’t be crunchy, would it?" The bones—I love it!

I used three coats of Crunchy Frog plus topcoat for these swatches.

I couldn't resist seeing how this would look layered, so pulled some greens and a brown to try it with. Left to right below, it's Crunchy Frog, OPI Who the Shrek Are You, Zoya Shawn, and Essie Lady Godiva.

Above, top to bottom: three coats of Who the Shrek Are You plus one of Crunchy Frog, two coats of Shawn plus one of Crunchy Frog, three coats of Crunchy Frog by itself, and two coats of Lady Godiva plus one of Crunchy Frog. I think Shrek might be a bit too light and bright to make a nice base for this; I liked it better over Shawn and Lady Godiva, with Shawn being my favorite (most frog-like, I suppose).

Above, close up of Shawn plus Crunchy Frog in the foreground, with Shrek plus Frog twinkling in the background.

I'll have the other two polishes in the Python trio later this week, and based on how much I like them, I expect more NerdLacquer will join my stash soon.


  1. LOL I love the Crunchy Frog name. The color is interesting, not sure I really like it though...

  2. I adore NerdLacquer!! I don't have Crunchy Frog, but I have a feeling it'll be joining my collection some time in the near future...

    Great swatches!

  3. I will need to go check out the Monty Python ones-My ringtone is from Life Of Brian-I love Monty Python-my whole family does except my mom doesn't get why we love it so much!!! Love the name of this polish

  4. Love the name...looking forward to glitter theme week!

  5. This polish is so unique! I'd love to get some NerdLacquer but I'm not sure where to start. Love the names!

  6. Can't wait to see the other colours. Judging by this colour I'm sure the others will be just as gorgeous as this one. Looking forward to glitter week. Especially now since I've tried out the foil removing method. :D

  7. this frog looks so interesting, love it :-D

  8. Oooh, I love this! When I read the description I was a bit wary, but I think it works so well.

  9. OMG You do not know how excited I was to see this post. Forget the sales orders I was doing I had to click on it right away! This is my biggest Nerd Lemming right now! You just made that lemming stronger too. I LOVE the Nerd names. I really like this one A TON!

  10. Yay! I'm excited for glitter week!

  11. Love the name of this!! Really need some of these, they're beautiful! I've been admiring her Etsy for a while..she is deservedly very busy right now!

  12. That's a very cool color and I love the name!

  13. I really like this! It's definitely unique. I can't wait to try some NerdLacquer.

  14. I've been seeing NerdLacquer around a lot, they all look so great! I love all these ladies that are mixing up their own polishes lately, like NerdLacquer, Lacquistry, etc.

  15. Gorgeous! I love glitters with multiple shapes :D

  16. This looks really pretty!! Nerd Lacquer has some really great looking polishes.

  17. I like that polish thou i feel like i shouldn't. it like clovers in the mud icky yet pretty!


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