
Monday, September 10, 2012

OPI Germany Collection

OPI's big fall collection this year is themed around Germany. It has, as the big seasonal collections usually (always?) do, twelve polishes in it. I originally though I'd split them up into two posts, as that's a lot of colors to cover but decided that enough of them are cremes that I could do them all in one entry (one photo can be sufficient to show how a creme looks). Thus I have spliced my two bottle shots into one image. Top row, left to right: My Very First Knockwurst, Don't Pretzel My Buttons, Berlin There Done That, Don't Talk Bach to Me, Schnapps Out of It, Deutsche You Want Me Baby. Bottom row: Danke-Shiny Red, German-icure by OPI, Every Month is Oktoberfest, Suzi & The 7 Düsseldorfs, Unfor-greta-bly Blue, Nein Nein Nein OK Fine.

The first three polishes are cremes that I'd consider appropriate for conservative office environments or other situations where you want quiet nails. I used three coats of each of them for these swatches (no topcoat for any of them today). The Germany collection brochure I picked up describes My Very First Knockwurst as a rosy-nude, and that's true; there's an every so slightly dusty quality to this that keeps it out of sweet pink territory.

Don't Pretzel My Buttons is a honey-beige. If you want a warm-toned light neutral, pick this one; if you want a cool-toned one, that's what My Very First Knockwurst is for.

Based on the fact that I read an article calling Michelle Obama's grey nails at the Democratic Convention "unconventional", there are probably people who will think the Berlin There Done That is edgy, but I think taupe nails are practically classic at this point.

Don't Talk Bach to Me is the zinger in this collection, the standout hue that in a quilt design I'd use in small doses to spark up the color scheme. It's a shimmer that's either a very green yellow or a very yellow green depending on how you look at it. Acid yellow, let's say. I used two coats of this one.

Schnapps Out of It is a brownish rose shimmer, the kind of color that sometimes gets called "mauve" by people who think mauve is a whole lot less purple than I do. Like Don't Talk Bach to Me, this was two coats.

While the previous two polishes were what I consider traditional shimmers, with a silvery look, Deutsche You Want Me Baby—thanks for the earworm, Suzi—is the more modern glowy glass fleck type. It's a rich red-leaning orange; I used three coats.

Deutsche You Want Me Baby also looks great in low light:

Danke-Shiny Red is a fraternal twin to Deutsche You, with the same finish but in a ruby red rather than an orange red. I used two coats of this one (and all the remaining ones, for future reference_.

It glows in low light, too:

German-icure by OPI is a deep red wine shimmer. In the bottle, I thought I saw hints of a gold duochrome, but that didn't show on the nail.

German-icure is another low light glow-er:

Every Month is Oktoberfest is the deep plum counterpart to German-icure.

In low light:

Suzi & The 7 Düsseldorfs is a vibrant warm purple shimmer. This one seemed more prone to brushstrokes than most of the shimmers in this collection.

Yup, low light glowing:

Unfor-greta-bly Blue is Suzi & the 7's blue fraternal twin. It's shimmer is less colorful, though.

The last of the twelve is a creme, Nein Nein Nien OK Fine (I have left four exclamation points out of that name), a deep grey green.

I've come to think of these big OPI seasonal collections as stash builders. If you're just starting out in the nail polish world and looking to grow your collection, you might want to get most of the colors, because there's a good range from light to dark across the spectrum. If you've already got a large stash, you probably have something similar to many of these and might only pick up a few. Because I'm sending these bottles on to Lucy, I'm having do decide which I might get for my own Helmers. Given my love of pretty/ugly things, Don't Talk Bach to Me is calling pretty loudly. I have other acid yellows, but they're so rare I feel like I need to buy them when I see them.

The polishes shown in this entry were provided free for review purposes. The content of the entry was not dictated by the provider.


  1. I wasn't blow away by this collection, but have picked up (on their way to me) the two purples, the orange - that's it...
    Thanks for sharing thse...

  2. These are nice colors, but they're not unique enough for me to go crazy about them. Love your swatches as always ;0).

  3. I just saw these yesterday...I was debating whether or not to get any, but nothing "wowed" me lol. They do look lovely swatched though!

  4. I'm really loving Germany's lighter shades collection! And one colour that I'd really love to get into my stash is Don't Talk Bach to Me. Definitely something different for my stash. Great swatches!

  5. I like most of the collection, but like you said; if you already have a large collection you can really pass on the majority of these. Dispite my big collection, I ended up getting 5 (but one was a gift... does it count?) BTW you have the best swatch of Dusseldrawf

  6. Your posts always make me want polishes I had no interest in before hand. I'll be picking up a few...maybe some of the fugly ones!

  7. This collection surprised me! I really love it!

  8. Well, my list got narrowed down after you swatches, my wallet thanks you :) but there are still a couple in there I think I want. I will have to try and avoid seeing them out and about unless there is a sale though.

  9. Those swatches are great, your hand modeling is perfect :) But that collection is somehow too dull for my taste. I'd pick a couple of them but not many more... *sad face*

  10. I have the mini set and that'll do me :) lovely swatches x

  11. beautiful swatches! may need a few more of these after all.

  12. i love Every Month is Oktoberfest and Suzi& The 7 Düsseldorfs.=)

  13. I really like the first one, but it reminds me of Steady As She Rose

  14. Great swatches, I love the low light pics - how do you capture those?

    1. Cali369, sorry it's taken me so long to reply to you. For the low light ones, I pulled my hand out in front of my lightbox into the dimly lit room I was in, then used one of the fake Ott Lites I have for the lightbox as a sort of spotlight over my hand. I take a lot of shots at different hand angles and sometimes they work out. :)

  15. Beautiful photos! I like all of them :)

  16. Every Month is Oktoberfest is my favorite! Your swatches are great, I don't think I had seen all of these swatched yet.

  17. lovely colors but nothing spectacular
    if i need to pick one, it would be Every Month is Oktoberfest :-D

  18. I definitely love the darker vampy colors from this collection!

  19. It is hard to pick a favorite from these, but I really like Don't Talk Bach to Me! It is pretty stunning!

  20. Nice shimmers (especially the dark ones) but actually none of them really makes me feel the urge of adding it to my overloaded stash!

  21. Some of these are really fantastic. :)

  22. Great swatches, Karen! Every Month Is Oktoberfest is by far my favourite polish of all of these.

  23. awesome swatches! im kinda disappointed in this collection. The only ones i really liked were Don't talk back to me and German-icure!

  24. I might need that Schnapps one-its gorgeous!


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