
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Wheel J6: Glitters from Hard Candy and Others

Today for Nail Wheel Wednesday, I have glitter, including ones from Hard Candy before the most recent relaunch (but none from the original release). I have many glitter wheels yet to post (and yet to paint as well); I might have to consider doing some Nail Wheel Weekends to reduce the backlog. Maybe that can be one of my 2014 projects.

(all three coats plus topcoat, except as noted below)

1. Hard Candy Break Up
2. Hard Candy Mischief (4 coats)
3. Hard Candy Fabuluxe
4. Hard Candy Hot Pants
5. Hard Candy Sweet P [swapped for this and it didn't come with its ring, which is fine, since I don't wear the rings I do have]
6. Hard Candy Wicked
7. Meteorites Outer Space
8. Meteorites Vulcan Probe [looks like the color on purple bars is flaking off and also bleeding into the base]
9. Meteorites Life on Mars [I guess they have Christmas on Mars, too]
10. Pop Rocks Groupie
11. Pop Rocks Scalper [these Pop Rocks have very vibrant bases that still let the glitter show through]
12. NK Mystical
13. NK Magical [I really should have put these on a topper wheel so I could see them over black]
14. unknown brand, unknown shade [a dusty beauty supply find; basically it's #9 plus small gold glitter]
15. NDB Hazel [looks like charcoal grey in the bottle and from a distance; up close it's multicolored]
16. Jade Martian Sands (4 coats)
17. Q Collection Crystal Glitter [not much glitter in here, actually]
18. Golden Rose Fantastic Color 151
19. s-he Stylezone 454
20. Sephora Piiink French Manicure duo unknown shade names (2 of base color and 3 of glitter at tip)

Bottles 1 through 6:

7 through 11:

12 through 17:

18 through 20:


  1. Those Pop Rocks polishes are really cute!!

    1. NailsLikeLace, they are, and I'd forgotten I had them 'til I was selecting and cropping photos for this post. I know, such problems I have. :)

  2. Fabuluxe looks a bit like old Hard Candy Scam, although it may be more purple than Scam. I only have a mini of Scam and I always regretted that they seemed to have discontinued it.

    I'm not into the hairy glitters but there are several others on that wheel that are really cute. Winter is when I get in the mood for glitters, anyway!

    1. Mel, I never picked up any of the HC minis, not sure why. Never thought of glitter as seasonal, though I guess we do see more of it in holiday collections than other times of year.

  3. Are we going to see some of that red and green bar glitter over the holidays? Really nice to see some of these different brands and bottles rather than the usual/typical ones.

    1. mrsrexy, I'd like to say yes, but I recently bought a different red and green glitter that's calling to me, so I'll probably use that one first and knowing my tendency to get distracted, I won't get back to the red and green bars here. But it could happen!

  4. Very cool glitters! :)

  5. Oh *clutches chest* Sweet P.... it's so pretty.... *dies*

  6. cool, but #2 is the coolest of them all ;)

  7. So many fun glitters! I really like 12 and 13 :D


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