
Thursday, January 9, 2014

Recent NOTD: Beautifully Disney Wish Come True

My nails are currently in a sad state; I think it's all the extra dishwashing I did over the past few weeks (first I was without my regular dishwasher at home when Mr. Karen headed west before me, then at the condo I usually do the dishes so he can work on various improvement projects like building out storage units). I really need to get in the habit of wearing rubber gloves every time. But before all that mess, my nails looked fine, and I decorated them with one of the Beautifully Disney polishes I got when I was at Walt Disney World in early December: a blue shimmer called Wish Come True (which I believe is inspired by the Blue Fairy from Pinocchio).

It wasn't until I got this one on my nails that I realized it's not just a shimmer, it's a holographic shimmer, and a strong enough one that I could see some hints of rainbows even in the indirect illumination of my lightbox.

For this mani, I started with Salon Sciences Starting Over After Artificials, then did a coat of their Instant Artificials, followed by two coats of color and Diamond Dry Top Coat. After I did my usual set of photos in the lightbox, I spent quite a while just admiring it and taking photos in different lighting conditions around my house.

I'd intended to take this off before my ski trip and put on some strips, which I knew would hold up to my vacationing ways, but it was just too pretty to remove that soon, so I didn't. Good thing, too, as it looked fabulous on on the airplane, between the sunshine coming in the window and the overhead reading light.

I did get some small chips after four or five days, but they touched up fine. I got some major chipping a few days after that, but decided what the heck, I'd just pretend they were small ones and touch those up, too, as I was still enjoying the rainbows (they looked good under the reading light by our bed at the condo, but I did not bring my camera to bed to capture that). By the time I got home, my mani was looking rather rugged, so I did finally give up and take it off. Now I'm wondering if there were other holos hiding in the polish displays at Disney; too bad I won't be back there for a long time. (Not that I don't have plenty of other pretties, I know.)


  1. Oh wow that is gorgeous. Now I want to go to Disney even more knowing they have that polish there!

    1. Well, if you do go, let me know and I will send you some money so you can shop for me, too. There's a mini set that I really wish I'd grabbed when I was there. :)

  2. What a great looking polish. It's nice to have unexpected nice holo surprises like that! :)

  3. This is beautiful! I was at Disneyland a few weeks ago and saw some of these polishes, but I can't remember if I saw this exact one.

  4. Sorry for the bad state of your nails. :(
    Anyway, this polish is super cute, what an unexpected and nice surprise!

  5. Oh my gosh, I must have this!! I bought a couple of these at HK Disneyland a few weeks ago but had no idea this was holographic. Time to head back out because this is so, so pretty!!

    1. Elizabeth, Hong Kong Disneyland is on my destination wish list--so great you got to visit it!

  6. Daaaayum what a gorgeous polish!

  7. This is beautiful! It looks so magical! :D

  8. OOOOH this is pretty. Do what I do-I leave my kitchen gloves right there draped over the sink so anytime I go to do something, I put them on. It's worked well for me. Also-not sure if you saw it or not, but I did your silly bottle shot as requested!

  9. I'm so excited, I'm going to Disney in May! I had no idea polishes would be there :P hahaha


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