
Thursday, April 17, 2014

Piggy Polish Vincent's Stars

When I saw the Piggy Polish displays at Rite Aid (as shared in my most recent display post), I bought the one color I was most intrigued by, a blue shimmer called Vincent's Stars. It wasn't easy to tell in the fluorescent lighting of the store, but the shimmer looked like it might be holographic. In better light at home, I did indeed see hints of a rainbow in the bottle.

On my nails, I saw no holo, at least not in the indirect light of my lightbox. The polish was well behaved; my swatch is 2 coats over regular base coat (I think I used OPI in this case). Even without topcoat, it's plenty shiny. The rhinestone star ring that came with it is a bonus; maybe I should try wearing it when sandal weather finally arrives, though I've never gone for toe rings before.

I thought maybe the holo would show in more direct light, so I pulled my hand out of the lightbox and held it at various angles. Nope, not really any holo evident. Maybe a few tiny points of color showing, but maybe that's wishful thinking on my part.

Okay, fine, let's go out in the sun. Surely if there's holo to see, it'll show up there. Turns out the only rainbows I saw in the sun were in the bottle. On my nails, no matter how I turned them this way and that, I saw only the very tiniest hints of color sparking off the shimmer, and that only on some nails at some angles.

The holo is weak in this one, for sure. I can forgive that, since the display wasn't advertising it as holo, and it didn't have a premium price tag compared to other Piggy Polish colors. It's just a bit disappointing since I thought I might have found a gem in the drugstore with this one. I do like the color, regardless, so I'm not kicking it out of my stash.


  1. Ooh very pretty. I kind of like the subtleness of the holo :D

  2. Huh... so weird it showed up in the bottle but not the nails. Usually it's the other way around for me.

  3. I love this color! I do wish that it was more holo too.

  4. I'ts a beautiful blue, but I agree with Traci, it's weird the holo stays in the bottle LOL

  5. It might not be holo, but it's very pretty!!!
    BTW I have a toe ring somewhere, I used to wear it ages ago, but it might be fun trying again next Summer!

  6. lol...I was in US yesterday and of the six PP colours, this was the only one I bought. I didn't see holo but thought it would be cool for some jean based manis!

  7. As for me I love it! <3


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