
Monday, June 9, 2014

Sally Hansen Color Frenzy Glitters with Julie G Cruise Collection

There are so many things I want to swatch and so little time that I decided to combine two collections into one post. The Sally Hansen Color Frenzy glitter toppers would need to be layered over something, and the Julie G Cruise collection seemed like it would fit the bill for many of the glitters, so I grabbed all the bottles and got to swatching.

The Sally Hansen Color Frenzy line (which, if the display is to be believed, is limited edition) has eight shades. Top row: Candy Drops, Green Machine, Paint Party, and Fruit Spritz. Bottom: Red White & Hue, Spark & Pepper, Sea Salt, and Splattered. All of these have a clear base.

The Julie G Cruise collection (also limited edition) has six summery shades: Canary Islands, Old San Juan, Miami Beach, Rio de Janeiro, Santorini, and Tahiti.

Sally Hansen Green Machine has matte spring green small bar and various sized hex glitters plus tiny gold holo glitters.

I paired Green Machine with Julie G Canary Islands, a yellow creme. I used two coats of Canary Islands (which was very well behaved, especially for a yellow) and topped all but my index fingers with two coats of Green Machine. I did not add topcoat; the clear base in Green Machine was on the thick side and the glitter was not bumpy, despite the bottle saying it's "textured nail color"—I guess they meant visual texture.

Sally Hansen Splattered has matte pink glitter in medium and very small hexes, black hex glitter, gold glitter shards, and red bar glitter.

Splattered got partnered with Julie G Old San Juan, a soft orange creme. I used three coats of Old San Juan, though probably could have done two if I'd been more attentive with my application. I then added two coats of Splattered on most nails. Splattered is the exception to my "more glitter is better" rule; I think it would have looked better if it didn't have so many disparate elements. I'd have taken out the black hexes, or left the black hexes and taken out the tiny pink ones, or left the tiny pink hexes and the black ones and taken out the gold shards. As it is, there's too much chaos for taste.

Sally Hansen Fruit Spritz has medium sized matte hex glitters in spring green, pastel yellow, pale pink, and light orange plus similarly sized silver holo hexes.

Fruit Spritz's partner was Julie G Miami Beach, a coral creme. Miami Beach was another two-coater, then I added two coats of Fruit Spritz plus some dabbing to get the hexes more evenly distributed. Again, no topcoat needed for the glitter. I did see some bubbles trapped in the thick base of Fruit Spritz, as I had to a lesser extent with the first two Color Frenzy glitters, which makes me think I should try thinning before I use these again, as I don't believe I shook them too much and introduced bubbles that way (nor was it breezy or humid the day I swatched these).

Candy Drops is a pink version of Green Machine, with multi sizes of matte pink hex glitter, small matte pink bars, and little silver holo glitters.

I paired Candy Drops with Julie G Rio de Janeiro, a purple-leaning medium pink creme. I used two coats of each.

Sally Hansen Red White & Hue has small and large matte hex glitters in red, white, and blue.

Julie G Santorini, a cornflower blue with hidden shimmer, made a good buddy for Red White & Hue. These were also two-coaters, though a third or Red White & Hue or some dabbing probably would have been a good idea to get better glitter coverage.

You may be able to catch glimpses of the shimmer in Santorini above; here's how it looks in the bottle:

The last Julie G is Tahiti, a mint green which also has a shimmer, though rather than the tiny silvery shimmer that Santorini had, this has flecks of blue.

I paired Tahiti with Sally Hansen Sea Salt, which has small blue and light green matte hex glitters, silver holo glitter shreds, and fine gold shimmer.

I used two coats of each for my swatch (no glitter on the index finger, of course).

Bonus sunshine shot so you can see the shimmer in Tahiti:

Rather than reuse Julie G colors for the last two Color Frenzy swatches, I grabbed polishes I'd bought when I was in Canada for our lacquer ladies day out. First, I partnered Sally Hansen Paint Party with Bourjous 1 Seconde Turquoise Block, a sea green creme.

Paint Party has matte bar and hex glitters in turquoise, light orange, and spring green.

I used two coats of Turquoise Block and then three plus dabbing of Paint Party. Of all the Color Frenzies, I had the most trouble with Paint Party; those glitters just didn't seem to want to come out of the bottle, and once they did, they didn't want to leave the brush. You can see I got decent distribution only on my ring finger. All those layers meant more bubbling, too.

I matched up the last Color Frenzy, Spark & Pepper, with Kit Blue Ivy, a dusty blue creme.

Spark & Pepper has small black and white matte hex glitter, black hex long bar glitter, and silver holo glitter shards. I used two to three coats of it over two coats of Blue Ivy. The bars were reluctant to come out of the bottle (I only managed it on my middle finger) but the other glitter was more agreeable.

Just for fun, I tried the four lighter Color Frenzy colors in a Skittles mani over Kit Blue Ivy; top to bottom, Candy Drops, Fruit Spritz, Pait Party, and Green Machine.

Summing up, the Julie G collection has some cheery colors that are perfect for summer, and the formula on them is quite nice. My picks are Santorini and Canary Islands. The Color Frenzy line some fun glitter combinations, though the thick base can make them a bit hard to work with (it's not as goopy as the OPI Sheer Tints, true, but it could still use some thinning). My picks from this group are Candy Drops, Red White & Hue, and Fruit Spritz.


  1. *twitches* Why? I've been eyeing those Color Frenzy glitters for weeks, trying really hard to be good and not snatch them all up... *cries* Why do they have to be just as pretty as they are in the bottles? WHY?!


  2. I like the look of the Sally Hansen polishes! We don't have Julie G over here so never tried that brand! :-)

  3. Great combos:) Love that glitters from Sally Hansen;)

  4. I really liked the Julie G polishes but too much bar glitter in the SH's.

  5. The Julie G collection looks really cool, I like it :)

  6. I really want to get some Julie G! I haven't tried that brand yet. I'm impressed Canary Islands only needed 2 coats... amazing for a yellow! Tahiti is a really pretty mint color especially with that shimmer

  7. Oh those Julie G's are really, really pretty <3
    Great layerings and mixes :)

  8. Ooh I love how you paired Splattered with Julie G Old San Juan, that looks great! Candy Drops also looks really sweet :)

  9. Argh! Wish I would've known SH was coming out with these glitters, three of them look like near exact dupes of Milani gold label polishes that I spent way too much on a couple months ago... Candy Drops = Milani Sugar Burst, Green Machine = Milani Sugar Coated, and Fruit Spritz = Milani Sugar Rush.
    All are really pretty though!

  10. Both collections look great! I'm loving the Julie Gs :D

  11. Candy Drops with Julie G Rio de Janeiro and Color Frenzy Spark & Pepper with Kit Blue Ivy are my favourite combinations :-)


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