
Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Wheel U7: Glitters from Lynnderella and Others

I was determined to do better with Nail Wheel Wednesday in March, a resolve which lasted one week until I skipped posting. Work is just so busy—but only for another three months or so, as I have decided to retire at the end of June, joining Mr. Karen in a life of leisure and home improvement and stuff (he's wrapping up at his job at the end of this month).

Today I have more glitters from Lynnderella plus some other indie brands and a mainstream but not readily available to me line to round things out.

(coats as noted below plus topcoat)

1. Lynnderella Snow Angel (3 coats)
2. Lynnderella All Hallow's Eve (3)
3. Lynnderella Bibbitty Bobbity Boo Blue (3)
4. Lynnderella Mercurial [older version] (3)
5. Lynnderella Mercurial [newer version] (3)
6. Lynnderella Mercury's Rainbow (2)
7. Lynnderella Connect the Dots (3)
8. Lynnderella Love, Lace, and Lilacs (3)
9. Lynnderella Shape Shifter (3)
10. Lynnderella Change (3)
11. Nerd Lacquer Crunchy Frog (3)
12. Nerd Lacquer It's Just a Flesh Wound (3)
13. Nerd Lacquer Pinin' for the Fjords (3)
14. Twee & Honey 006 (3)
15. Twee & Honey Magpie (3)
16. Twee & Honey 016 (2)
17. Twee & Honey First World Purple (2)
18. Cult Nails Happy Ending (3)
19. Essence Nail Art Special Effect Topper Copper'ize Me (3)
20. Essence Nail Art Special Effect Topper Glorius Aquarius (3)

Bottles 1 through 5:

6 through 10:

11 through 13 (but not in that order; I don't know why):

14 through 17:

18 through 20:

Destash notes: Same comments apply to these Lynns as to the ones two weeks ago. The Nerd Lacquers will quite possibly be with me on my deathbed, at least Pinin' for the Fjords, which is my favorite on this whole wheel. Twee & Honey is a brand I lost track of; I need to look it up again, as I very much like their bold take on black and white glitter and of course the purple on purple. Hmm, this is sounding more like "stash notes", not destash. I guess I could give up a couple of these T&H to get new ones—which isn't exactly destashing, either. Maybe when I'm retired I'll get better at giving up polish. Not sure how that will work, but I've never been retired before, so who knows what surprises are ahead of me.


  1. Many beauties, butalso many not that unique - but then again I'm no glitter lover LOL

  2. So many pretty glitters. ^_^ I really like the Twee & Honey Magpie.


Thank you for reading and commenting! I greatly appreciate knowing I'm not just talking to myself here. :) I'm moderating most comments now due to the spate of spammers who claim to be looking for sexy times.