
Friday, June 19, 2015

Recent NOTD: White Mani Fail, Pahlish Win

One of my polish-loving imaginary friends on the internet posted on a board we're members of that she'd been seeing a lot of white nails around. When it came time to do my own mani, I remembered that and thought "yeah, white nails would be fresh". Then I thought, "And also boring". So I reached for one of the colors I'd bought from Pahlish recently, Painting the Roses Red, a white-based crelly with glitter, flakes, and shimmer added. Not big glitter, though, so I thought it was pretty close to plain white, all things considered.

I laid down some Qtica Nail Growth Stimulator first, then some Butter London Nail Foundation. My base layers in place, I did three coats of Painting the Roses Red (two might have worked fine, but with light bases I like to have that extra margin of error). I immediately decided that while the color was lovely, I needed more oopmh in my mani, so grabbed Jabberwocky, a glitter topper that comes with the purchase of the full set of the Through the Looking Glass collection (all have the same fun label seen above). Now, I think Jabberwocky would have been better served showcased over a different base, but the neon yellow glitters in it did give me that spark I was looking for. Accent nails thus accented, I finished with Diamond Dry topcoat.

Here's a closer look at Jabberwocky; those flower glitters did need a bit of coaxing but nothing too crazy.

I can't visit the Pahlish site too often because she does a lot of very limited editions that I always seem to want all of. If I can wait just a bit, they'll sell out and it's out of my hands. Of course then I do click over and buy a whole collection at a time, so it just might be hopeless. Ah well, there are way worse things I could be buying with my fun money.


  1. I love white crellies with small bits of glitter so I love that polish. The yellow glitter? Meh, think it would look good over a neon or black or something like that. Thank you for letting us see it, though, and the wonderful photos!

  2. The polish is nice :-D The other one is okay :-)

  3. Oh, I like Painting the Roses Red - it's really pretty!

  4. Too funny! I'm about to post a white mani as soon as I catch up. XD Dude. Jabberwocky is amazing!!! @_@

  5. This is such a pretty polish! Definitely not boring at all!

  6. I love this brand! all their polishes are so unique and definitely not boring! you did a great mani here!


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