
Wednesday, March 9, 2016

SinfulColors Comparisons

Despite my best intentions, I only managed four blog posts here last month, and this month is nearly a third gone already without any activity. I do have some decent reasons this time, though; a couple days after my last post, I flew back east to start packing up my nail polish collection, as we've accepted an offer on our house in Michigan and expect to close in a couple weeks from now. Of course, being me, my trip hasn't been all work; I've also visited with friends and spent the last six days on a previously scheduled trip to Wisconsin for a conference I go to every year. I taught a nail art session there this year, doing a quick tour through nail strips, dotting tools, and stamping. Whew. Due to a bad time slot, I didn't have a lot of students, which turned out to be good since I could give individual attention and everyone who wanted to got try all the techniques (the one guy there just wanted to watch, but did let us polish one of his nails).

I still have a lot of packing to do, and we have to figure out how/when to get it all out to Idaho, but I also have a backlog of swatches and can't spend every waking moment on the move, so today I'm easing back into blogging with a couple comparisons of some SinfulColors shades I've added to my collection in recent months. Left to right: Hush Money, Gold n' Roses, Mint2BCool, Wonder Mint.

Hush Money is one I picked up from the With Flying Colors display at Fred Meyer in January. I got Gold n' Roses from the Live in Color display at Walgreens around the same time; according to the SinfulColors website, it's a Walgreens exclusive. These are both rose gold metallics (though the official site calls Hush Money "bronze"). You can see in the bottle shot above that the colors are very similar, while Gold n' Roses (why that punctuation, Sinful? why?) has a somewhat chunkier look to it.

That difference visibile in the bottles translates to the nail. Top two fingers below have two coats of Hush Money, which is a straightforward metallic finish, with fine silver particles mixed in with the rose gold color. The bottom two fingers have three coats of Gold n' Roses, which has both fine silver particles and flakies in it, which gives it a more irregular finish than Hush Money. It also pulls slightly warmer on me than Hush Money.

Hush Money on the left below, Gold n' Roses on the right. They both have their strengths. Hush Money wins the coverage battle, needing only two coats (one thick one might work, too), while Gold n' Roses has a more interesting finish.

On to the "mints", which read as blue to me. It's not obvious in the group bottle shot, but one of these, Mint2BCool, has subtle shimmer.

On the nail, that shimmer disappears. Top two nails below have two coats of Wondermint; bottom two have three coats of Mint2BCool (two coats might have been enough but I was trying to see if a third would bring out the shimmer; it didn't). I can't tell these apart.

I couldn't get the shimmer to show on the nail for the camera even in the direct low light that usually coaxes these things out. Since the shimmer in Mint2BCool is lost on the nail, my pick here is Wondermint; I think it has a better formula. It's on the left below.

A sensible woman would destash at least Mint2BCool at this point so as not to have to pack/sort/deal with it again, but at this point, I feel like I just need to focus on getting my huge stash ready for travel and let the destash wait until I can have all my bottles in one place again (right now I have a mini stash in Idaho with the bulk here in Michigan). Wish me luck packing; I'm going to need it!


  1. I love love loved the color of Mint2BCool but the formula on mine was AWFUL!!! It was a thick gross pain in the butt especially considering the shimmer was a no show. I might have to look for Wondermint.

    Good luck on your packing and getting everything moved!!! If Bruce and I were close enough we would come help!

  2. Good luck with the move! Hopefully all those helmers make it there in one piece!

  3. This is going to be an adventure! Getting all the stash packed, I mean. I'm about to move too and the only thing I can think of is how I'll manage to move my babies and take them safely with me. So, good luck with it!

    By the way, it's a pity that shimmer doesn't pop up on the nail. I'd probably go for Mint2BCool anyway. Even if destashing is something I'm not yet ready for. :D

  4. Good luck packing!!! Also, I'm sure you don't need any help rationalizing, but Wondermint looks a hair darker to me. ;)

  5. Wait... I am very behind on things... you're moving to Idaho?? LOL!

  6. How do I get rid of the background? The circles of color shining through the photos makes it impossible to see the correct color. Thanks.

    1. Hmm, I'm not experiencing that. What browser/version/device are you using? Maybe try the mobile version? That doesn't have the background at all.

  7. omg mint2bcool is awful. no shimmer on nail. streaky. thin watery yuck


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