
Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Nails of Some Days Before This One

Yet again I've been doing other things besides blogging. This time it was driving (by myself) from Illinois back home to Idaho, getting ready for houseguests, spending an enjoyable time with said houseguests, and fighting more with my internet at home, which is extra frustrating having so recently spent time at my mother-in-law's, where she gets literally six times faster download speed than we do on a good day (and most days are not good internet days for us, unfortunately). I'm typing this post at what I've come to think of as "my desk" at the library in town; I get a bit miffed if someone is sitting here when I show up (I don't say anything or do anything because I am not so far gone that I think I have any right to this particular space).

I've still got a backlog of nails of the day photos, so I'm going to whittle away that that today and keep my fingers crossed that my internet will be back up semi-reliably soon (I did see a utility truck heading up the mountain as I was heading down, so maybe that was a sign). Other than the "proper" manicures I did for IEC, my nails have been adorned for months now with various strips and fakes, none of which I put on when I had easy access to my lightbox, so the lighting in the following photos will vary tremendously. Consistency is not my middle name.

I put on these Sally Hansen Salon Effects in Pink Pong when my nails were in a short and fragile state that I didn't particulary want to call attention to; this shade has become one of my go tos for situations like this. They're especially nice because I have matching polish from the Complete Salon Manicure line that I can easily touch up with when I start to get tip wear.

Speaking of strips, I was walking across the main parking lot at the resort and spied this on the ground, the peel off back of a nail polish strip. I swear it wasn't mine. I wish I knew whose it was; I might have a new friend close by that I just haven't met yet.

I can take neutral for only so long, which led me to add a glittery jelly topcoat over the Pink Pong strips. I didn't take a photo of the bottle and can't find my notes, so just what this rosy topper is will have to remain a mystery at least for a while.

When those strips came off, Sally Hansen Salon Effects in Love Letter went on.

I liked these so much that when I took them off due to tipwear and nail growth, I used the second half of the box and put the same design right back on. I somehow managed to rip the end off of of the strips and had to patch it, then added Sally Hansen Diamond Flash top coat to seal it. The repair didn't look as obvious in realy life as it does in this photo below.

Next up were Incoco Nail Polish Appliques in Emerald Isle, a very subtle St. Patrick's Day design in gold and green. I counted on most people not paying that close attention when I wore these well after the holiday for which they were intended.

I'll finish up this installment of "a not very brief history of what was on my nails" with these China Glaze Real Nail Polish Appliques in Beyond Baroque. As I noted when I reviewed them in 2013, these are thicker and shinier than other nail polish strips like Sally Hansen. I tried to position my hand so as to minimize the wrinkles I got in some spots due to fighting with the thickness. They looked okay but aren't my favorite to work with. I'll still try and use up the ones I have in my stash, though. Waste not, and all that.

Maybe I'll get to the fakes portion of the NOTD catchup next time I do one of these. Knowing my attention span lately, maybe not. We shall see. (I feel like I say that a lot. It's true, though. We shall.)

1 comment:

  1. So many pretty nails! :) I'm glad you've had a nice time with your friends!


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