
Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Wheel F15: Crelly Glitters from Smitten Polish

Today's Nail Wheel Wednesday takes us back in time in the indie polish scene, when Dreamland Lacquer was known as Smitten Polish. These are all from the early days of the brand, when the bottles were squat and the labels were paper (with handwritten names in the earliest days).

(all have clear topcoat in addition to glitter coats noted below) 1. Winter is Coming (2 coats)
2. Confection (2)
3. Ermahgerd Candy Corms (2)
4. Cookies & Cream (3)
5. Purple Polka Dotty (3)
6. Huckleberry Pie (2) [from the first collection in 2012; this was more purple when new]
7. Mother of Dragons (2)
8. Pink Lemonade (2)
9. Pastel Pixelation (2)
10. Adeste Fidelis (2)
11. The Holly and the Ivy (2)
12. Mint Chip (2) [from the first collection]
13. Pink Goes Good with Green (2)
14. Butter Mint (2)
15. Flurry (2)
16. Hydrangea (2)
17. Traveling by Bubble (2)
18. Blueberry Crumble (2) [from the first collection]
19. Robin's Egg (2)
20. Polka-Derp (2)

Bottles 1 through 5:

6 through 10:

11 through 15:

16 through 20:









1 comment:

Thank you for reading and commenting! I greatly appreciate knowing I'm not just talking to myself here. :) I'm moderating most comments now due to the spate of spammers who claim to be looking for sexy times.