
Friday, April 22, 2011

Easter Break

I might be a bit scarce online for the these next three days as I have the time off work and the house to myself, so I'm hoping to paint some nail wheels and do some swatching and make some frankens and sort some Helmer drawers and maybe even try water marbling for the first time.

Some of the things I might swatch are the mini polishes that came in clear Easter eggs, which I had to have once they went on sale for 30% off. Here's my Easter Bunny sock monkey (I bought her a couple weeks ago to keep my Christmas sock monkey company) holding them (de-egged, obviously; yes, I know one is pink, but 30% off brought the price under a dollar each, and spending less than a dollar is not really breaking my no-buy—well, technically it is, but under a dollar and cute and stuff ... no wonder my stash is overflowing the Helmers).

Are you doing anything special with your nails for the holiday? If you are and blogged about it, put a link the comments; I'd love to see!


  1. Karen, where did you find that Easter sock monkey? My daughter loves loves loves sock monkeys. That would be a great last-minute addition to her basket!

  2. April, I got the monkey at Rite Aid, in the Easter candy/basket seasonal section.

  3. thank you for the cute idea!

  4. That monkey is cute and those polishes look cute too. Nothing special outside of the Earth Day franken I made for today. Unless I do it myself, the easter bunny doesn't come around my place and hide eggs anymore. ;) I am thinking about swatching my essence metallics, something I have never done since I got them.

  5. That monkey is too cute! Like a blend of Curious George and Carmen Miranda.

  6. Can I ask where the polishes in the eggs came from? They are really cute!

  7. Lacquer Ware, ooh, Essence metallics. I think I have a couple of those buried in my untrieds, too.

    ChaosButterfly, you make me laugh--Curious Carmen, might have to be her name. :)

    Disarmywife, I got them at Meijer (a chain in Michigan and several adjacent states).

  8. Karen, I was afraid you were going to say that! Had a Meijer in my old hometown in OH, none down here in Georgia though. :-( Thanks for letting me know though!

  9. Why?! Why don't we have a Meijer? :(

  10. The Easter Bunny Sock Monkey is too adorable! Looking forward to your posts on what you've been up to!


Thank you for reading and commenting! I greatly appreciate knowing I'm not just talking to myself here. :) I'm moderating most comments now due to the spate of spammers who claim to be looking for sexy times.