
Friday, January 27, 2012

NerdLacquer It's Just a Flesh Wound

Today I've got the last of Monty Python trio from NerdLacquer. It's Just a Flesh Wound has "...a fierce black base with small and medium black, red, and copper hexagonal glitter, plus black and charcoal microglitter and big silver hex glitter. This color always triumphs, and will still look fearsome even if a passing king lops one of your arms off. Looks amazing as a top coat over black or red. Also might challenge the other polishes in your collection to a duel; best to store it separately." Yep, that said black glitter, and I'm completely fine with it.

These swatches are three coats plus topcoat.

I want to try this over silver as well as the red and black mentioned in the description from NerdLacquer. Maybe over a charcoal shimmer, too.


  1. Me encanta!! es super original :D

  2. I think it might be pretty over charcoal (the others too) - and what a weird name...

  3. It's just a flesh wound-what are you going to do bleed on me? SOrry I just can't help saying lines from this movie!!!

  4. Love the polish and the name! Seems like there are so many gorgeous frakens lately!

  5. what a cool looking polish, just love it.

  6. I have to say the name of this polish freaks me out. Just a tad, lol. It looks pretty though.

  7. I absolutely love this color. I really want this one from Nerd Lacquer. It actually reminds me of Las Vegas.

  8. Beautiful color! I love the red against the black :)

  9. I like this polish a lot as it is one of my favourite quotes from Monty Python.

  10. Very cool polish! I saw these on Etsy last week. I might have to go back for another look!

  11. Okay I officially need to make a NerdLacquer haul.

  12. tag your it

  13. I think it would be awesome over charcoal shimmer!

    And I just got my prize from your giveaway. Thanks a lot! They're awesome. <3

  14. oooo so interesting!! Love all the glitter!!

    I also tagged you for the 11 Questions tag- you can read about it on my blog!(:

  15. I love NERDLACQUERS! This one is gorgeous & unique.

  16. That is the only part of a Monty Python movie that I can remember besides one part where they click coconut shells together to mimic the sound of a horse clip-clopping. Random fun fact. ;)

    This glitter polish is excellent, I love the random copper glitters and, of course, the black glitter. I think layering it over charcoal would be amazing.

  17. Supercute glitter. Don't like the name :)


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