
Thursday, January 26, 2012

NerdLacquer Pinin' for the Fjords

Here's the second in the trio of Monty Python polishes I bought from NerdLacquer, Pinin' for the Fjords. Again, I quote the shop description; this is a "...sparkling Norwegian blue with lavender and silver glitter, small and medium sky blue hexagonal glitter, charcoal micro glitter, and large silver hex glitter. Beautiful plumage, though not much of a conversationalist. You might have to nail this shade to your fingers to keep it on." Hee—these sorts of descriptions tell me she's not just picking names out of a hat for these.

I swatched three coats plus top coat.

I didn't get a chance to play with layering this one. I'm thinking it'll look good over silver and blue and probably lilac, too.


  1. It's a nice and kind of subdued - and I think you are right about the name LOL

  2. Ooh, nice! I think it would look nice over a dark blue!

  3. This is definitely my kind of polish! Very beautiful.

  4. Very pretty! I really like the colors in it. I bet it would look great layered over silver.

  5. I have this one but haven't swatched it yet. From your pictures the glitter looks lighter on the nail then from the bottle. Still pretty though :)

  6. I think this would be gorgeous over Essie 'Cocktail Bling'. Beautiful polish.

  7. This one looks great! I'm sure it would be awesome over a dark or light color.

  8. Ohh this one looks great!! Goes to my WL! :)

  9. A great polish for glitter week!

  10. OooOoooOoooh! Very pretty! Love the name too. The dead parrot was always one of my favorite skits. THIS PARROT IS NO MORE!

  11. This is not too bad-I like the base color in this!

  12. This is gorgeous. She really knows how to deal with glitters <3

  13. When I first saw NerdLacquers, I felt kinda meh about them. But I have done a complete 180 after seeing so many swatches! They're completely gorgeous.

  14. OMG this is beautiful! I was just reading another post about her polishes..She has some great stuff!

  15. Another pretty glitter but the name is so hard to remember :)


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