Apothica has very kindly stepped up to sponsor a giveaway for a $25 gift card for readers of this blog; if you win, you can use the funds for your own Paul & Joe or any of the other products they carry.
To enter, do at least one of the options shown below and then tell me about it on the Google Docs form at the end of the entry. If you do all three options plus the bonus activities for each one, you could get up to six chances in the drawing.
Option 1: Use Facebook
1. Visit Apothica.com
2. Write on Apothica’s wall about what you think of Apothica
Bonus: Opt in to Apothica’s Newsletter (there's a link to do this at the bottom of the Apothica website)
Option 2: Use Twitter
1. Visit Apothica.com
2. Tweet about Apothica on your own Twitter Account
Bonus: Retweet Apothica’s tweet about this giveaway
Option 3: Use your blog
1. Visit Apothica.com
2. Write something on your blog about Apothica
Bonus: Write about Paul & Joe and link the brand name to Apothica (like I just did there)
Things to know:
a. If you win, you'll need tvo give me your real name, phone number, shipping address, and e-mail so I can pass them along to Apothica. (To enter, I'll only need your e-mail so I can contact you if you win.)
b. Contest is open to U.S. and international residents in the countries Apothica ships to.
c. Contest closes at midnight Eastern U.S. time on July 15, 2011. Winner will be chosen using random.org
The polishes shown in this entry were purchased with a gift certificate provided to me for free by Apothica. The prize in this contest is being provided by Apothica.
Thanks so much for the giveaway!