In the interest of having a chance to get the winners their prizes before Christmas (at least the winners in the U.S.), this contest will close at midnight U.S. eastern time zone on Sunday, December 12th.
Prize #1: Ulta Wicked Wonderland mini set
Prize #2: Savvy Red Caviar and Garland
Prize #3: Snowmen in tropical colors (pink shimmer, red violet shimmer, green creme)
Prize #4: Snowmen in blue and silver (silver shimmer, light blue shimmer, blue foil)
Prize #5: Snowmen in Christmas colors (green foil, red creme, silver holo glitter)
Prize #6: Snowmen in Christmas colors (apple green shimmer, silver foil, red holo glitter)
To enter, it's nice but not required that you be a follower of this blog. International entries are welcome; I hope to send snowmen to places that they've never been before. Because it's my blog and I make the rules, as for the last contest, I will be weighting the chances for early adopters and frequent commenters a bit more heavily.
To enter, fill out the form. If you have problems with the form or questions about it, please e-mail me at the.karend (at Good luck, and thanks for reading!