Friday, October 12, 2018

Dior Blop and Wizz

When I was in Toronto for Indie Expo Canada earlier this year, I treated myself to two of the Dior summer polishes. It had been a long time since I bought any high end polish like that but it was a special occasion, on a vacastion and shopping with my friend the Canadian Nail Fanatic. I chose Wizz and Blop (I tried to get an older color, Metallics, too, but they only had the tester and wouldn't sell it to me).

Wizz is a coral with subtle shimmer. I've seen this described as watermelon, but it pulls more toward orange than pink on me. I was an easy two-coater; Dior formula and brush are some of my favorites. As with many Dior shimmers, the shimmer doesn't really show on the nail in indirect light.

The shimmer in Wizz does pop in direct light:

Blop is a deep slate blue creme. This was also two coats, though I think it could have been one if I'd been a bit more heavy handed with that first coat. It was plenty shiny without topcoat, too.

I don't know how unique these are in my stash (I really want to get back to doing more comparisons). I'm happy to have them regardless; the formulas are great and they remind me of a fun time in the summertime.


  1. Wizz is a beautiful coral and Summer colour. Blop is a lovely teal and Winter colour. Wouldn't you consider it a teal? I wish you would compared them with some of your other nail polishes, if you ever find the time :D Great acquisitions, no doubt!

    1. @Akuma Kanji Blop is not teal to me ... not very much green in it at all. I definitely want to do some comparisons; the trick is finding the polishes and the time what with new stuff distracting me. :)

  2. I really like Wizz :) I think Blop is a really funny name though :D

    1. @Rainbowify Me Yep, Blop makes me smile ... seems very silly, especially for a brand like Dior that I think of as elegant and sophisticated and serious. But they've done fun polishes before, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised.


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