Prize #1: Ice Cream Cone Glitter Topcoats
As swatched on this glitter nail wheel.
Prize #2: OPI Serena Glam Slam Duo
This is the one with Grape Set Match and Servin' Up Sparkle. I haven't managed to swatch this one yet, but Laura's Lacquers did.
Prize #3: Piggy Polish Trio
Baby I Love Your Waves, Copper Harbor, and Lime Alright are from the Piggy Polish Fall 2010 collection.
Prize #4: Rescue Beauty Lounge Scrangie
Scrangie was one of the first nail blogs I found, so of course when she created a polish color I had to have it. This bottle is from one of the re-releases (I think the first one, but don't hold me to that). I've yet to find anything quite like it despite the many, many purple shimmers in my stash. I did a comparison of
Prize #5: Sally Hansen Salon Effects Trio
I think we've established how much I like these strips. These three designs are from the Spring 2012 limited edition collection: All-a-Flutter, Checker Out, and Not a Peep.
Prize #6: Milani 3D Holographics
These scattered holos were the most popular prize from my 1st Blogiversary contest, so I had to get more to give away this year. Left to right: 3D, Hi-Tech, Cyberspace, Digital, Hi-Res, HD. I included five of them on this holographic nail wheel (I hadn't yet bought the gold one at that point). Hi-Res was one my very early nails of the day posts, before I'd even started tagging them as NOTD.
Prize #7: Studio M Trio
Studio M is a brand from the same parent company as Color Club and available only in Meijer stores, a Michigan-based chain. Left to right: Slammin' Red, Magic Attraction, Purple Medallion. Bottle pics do not do these scattered holo glitters justice. You can see all three on this glitter nail wheel, and the red and purple in this comparison post. Slammin' Red and Purple Medallion were part of the most popular prize in my 2011 Valentine-y Giveaway, so I thought a repeat performance made sense.
Prize #8: Spoiled Chunky Glitters
This polish line, available only at CVS as far as I know, is younger than this nail blog. Since I'm in a CVS store at least once a week looking for displays to photograph and new polishes to buy (and often much more often than that), I thought this brand should be represented. Left to right: Pet My Peacock, Trust Fund Baby, Jewelry Heist, Ants in My Pants, Shuffle the Deck. I did comparisons with Ants in My Pants and Trust Fund Baby last month. My online friend Solveig has swatches of Pet My Peacock and Jewelry Heist on her blog, Nailin' It. For Shuffle the Deck, see Obsessive Cosmetics Hoarders Unite.
Prize #9: Cult Nails Trio
I admire Maria from R3 Daily so much for starting her own nail polish brand and have bought pretty much every color she's ever made since the first collection came out in early 2011 (I missed a few of the limited editions due to getting distracted by life offline, which is just going to happen sometimes). Left to right: Quench, Devious Nature, Iconic. I swatched Quench and Iconic a year ago and Devious Nature a couple months after that.
Prize #10: Sinful Spring Shimmers
Much as I get on Sinful Colors' case in my display posts for confusing me with all their re-promotes and re-releases not labeled as such on new displays, they do make some nice colors. These five are the new colors from the recent Girls in Pearls display (which also had three core colors in it). Left to right: Morning Star, Flutter, Luminary, Firefly, Sweet Dreams. I haven't had a chance to swatch these yet, but I know other people have, so let Google be your guide.
Prize #11: Jessica Disco Diva
You may remember this one from my OMG I love this polish post about it or my 2011 Top 20. The base coat is great; the holo is great—it's just all good.
Prize #12: Sally Hansen Duo
The original flakie version of Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure Hidden Treasure was the subject of my very first nail post in this blog. It was also the prize in my first ever giveaway on this blog. I've been holding on to this particular bottle for a very long time, pretending I didn't see it when I was weeding out backups to make more room in my Helmers, but now it's time to send it to a new home. And because it needs to be layered over something to show off its beauty, Problem Child is going along with it. I swatched that purple shimmer with mini-flakies along with the rest of my selections from the Fall 2010 collection.
How to enter: Fill out the form below. Choose your first, second, and third choices. If you really, really only want one prize, you can select that for all your choices. When I put the names into the virtual hat, first choice will be 5 chances, second will be 3 chances, and third will be 2 chances, for a total of 10 chances per entrant. If you follow me publically with Google Friend Connect and fill in that box on the form, that's worth one more chance for each of your choices. If you publically link to this contest from your blog, Twitter account, Google+ page, Facebook page, or other social media site and fill in that box, that's also worth one more chance for each of your choices. (Feel free to copy and use the group photo below when linking.) International entries are welcome. Contest closes at midnight in the Eastern U.S. time zone on May 17, 2012.